Saturday 21 January 2017

Sat 21 Jan 2017

Yes, she has been a bit nauseous post chemo but she is going well!

It has been a busy week in hospital - they are keeping us on our toes. This week we had our Tiguan photographed and measured (after a good clean and vac the night before!) - this is with view of planning our first outing. It is quite tricky transferring from the wheelchair into a SUV (it is too high) and then we have the logistics of fitting a hire wheelchair into a smallish boot. Nothing insurmountable.

Rehab has arranged, after a number of phone calls, a better wheelchair - it is to be couriered from Royal Children's (they have smaller wheelchairs there ;-) which is made for all terrian, to match our Tiguan. Actually her current wheelchair is an adult one and really is inadequate as the wheel is too far back and so is difficult for her to self-propel. It also weighs about 18kg.

If required in the future, a tailor-built wheelchair will be organised.

So it has been a full week - lots of arm and core-strength exercises, chemo and planning for our first real trip - Elise would like to go home and bake a cake! She is really starting to miss home.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Elise, you must be missing home which is quiet, familiar & non medical!! Hang in there...keep working hard which WOW you are doing!!...we are praying hard you'll be home soon baking that cake. much love. The Naths XXXXXXX
