A beautiful sunny Autumn day of 20 degrees, there couldn't be a better
day to go horse riding. A winding drive through the tall gums of Narre
Warren and Harkaway...dreamy.
Balmoral Equestian Centre is near the top of the list when it comes to
horse riding in Victoria, especially para equestrian. So far, nearly
everyone I've bumped into there is a winner or is their way to being
one! Surprisingly, the place doesn't look anything special....but then,
in the stables...the horses...well, they remind me of the Arabian beasts
racing over dunes that that melt women's hearts and make men want to be
brave. Unfortunately they often come from Holland at around $100k each.
We're aiming a little lower.
Today was a real lesson, learning different hand positions, different
ways to hold the reins, different quirks of Elise's legs...one ankle
kept on twitching and pushing her off the saddle. Elise was in her
element. She loves physical challenges.
After the lesson, about 40 or so minutes, (Julia the horse lady is very
generous with time, was meant to be 30 min and all up it look an hour.),
we decided to take a longer route home. It was just too lovely to go
back. Only five minutes away on Duffys Rd, is a place that has memories.
We drove up there, having a good old chat about my first years of life
spent in a small one room plus a tiny laundry/entrance bungalow. On a
few acres of beautiful bushland with two dams we romped around (all 4
then 5 kids) and squished into a bungalow...well do I remember the 3
level bunk my Dad built. Happy times.
Medically speaking, Elise's eye is much better with almost hourly eye
drops and ointments. Very pleased she is in the hospital at the moment
as you need nearly a militant schedule to keep up with all her
medications. She is one superb pill popper.
I've been busy in the background (as usually all mum's are). Meetings
with architects, builders, principals, weekly OT/social worker meetings
etc etc. Today in the space of half an hour before leaving for horse
riding, I managed to catch up with Elise's doctor, the pharmacist, the
hospital new principal and teacher and the Rehab head specialist. I am
now very tired, getting my words mixed up, it's only
8:45pm and I'm ready for bed.
Video link below