Letting go
Some of you may know at home we have a glass bowl and in this bowl are
lots of Bible quotes. We sometimes pick one out at random...sometimes
when we're thoughtful or struggling...God seems to know just what to say
when we really need it.
Today I was in my lounge room thinking and praying and in my meandering
thoughts I was thinking about stages of grief and letting go in life.
For me, in my twenties letting go of job aspirations and what I thought
serving God looked like...stages of grief, letting go and accepting a
different life, going where I didn't want to go.
For Elise, there will be stages of grief, some I'll share and others I
can't even understand...a private world of sorrow. I put my hand into
the bowl and plucked out a quote. How will God speak this time?
"Remain faithful even when facing death, and I will give you the crown of life. Rev
Yes, it is death. Death of her hopes and dreams. Carving out a new life
will be tough, filled with frequent hospital visits, endless blood
tests, medications, daily exercises to reduce spasticity, being dressed,
showered etc etc. So we will face this death together - God, my family
and all others who care. God will build Elise a new house, a stronger
one that will hold in any storm.
So what does grief look like - perhaps the loss of anonymity, the looks
or the averted eyes... "Why is that girl in a wheelchair? Should I say
anything? Just pretend everything is normal when it is not?" There is no
escape, you don't "belong" in a wheelchair. Maybe it's that
label...Disabled, not that, oh no, please not a disabled parking card,
I am not disabled! Yes, that battle has been and gone. Or perhaps it's
clothing... Jeans? Too tight, pockets at the back, no ... that won't
work in a wheelchair, what about pressure sores. Perhaps we can look at
loose clothing, maybe elastic waists. But not too loose, it will get
caught in the wheels. Maybe it the loss of privacy, dignity, hair, the
dream of being a normal girl going to school or just running down those
stairs. Yes, there will be many, many stages.
I know that this sounds all poetic, even corny to some - but letting go
is hard... and without God I think I might shut the world out. It is hard, I'm not
going to pretend it's all easy and everything is fine. I know it will be
OK, He is in control, but Paul was shipwrecked three times. No, it is
not easy...there is much suffering and stages of grief to come.
I will wait for my crown of life.